Bibaum ®

MAZZONI – The double leader plant
Lower production costs, better fruit quality!

What is a Bibaum®?

The Bibaum® is a plant with two balanced leaders.
The difference lays in the fact that we have used an innovative production technique in the nursery with two well-balanced leaders, ready for planting in the orchard.
The production process of Bibaum® plants in the nursery was patented first in Italy, then in all of Europe and later also in the United States. It met with great success in all these contexts.

MAZZONI BIBAUM® can provide the following BENEFITS:

  • Creation of orchards with narrower fruiting walls.
  • Excellent arrangement of the fruiting wall (pruning, thinning, weeding, picking, phytosanitary treatment).
  • Reduction of cultivation activities.
  • Easy pruning, manual thinning and picking.
  • Improved effectiveness of phytosanitary treatments.
  • Excellent vigour management.
  • Low management costs.
  • Improved fruit quality.
  • Increased production yield.
  • Simplified picking.
  • Increased light interception.
  • Excellent productivity, good early picking.

Mazzoni Bibaum® plants produce quickly; as such it is important to guarantee abundant fertilisation in the first and second year after planting to complete the production wall as quickly as possible.

Quality characteristics of Bibaum®

  • The double leader plant is already formed and is ready to be planted in the orchard at the time of purchase.
  • The double leader plant is balanced and symmetric.
  • The two Bibaum® leaders are spurred, so they have short branches that are already flower differentiated.
  • The plant is balanced. The high number of flower buds controls the vigour.

Plants grow quickly; as such it is important to guarantee abundant fertilisation in the first and second year after planting to complete the production wall as quickly as possible.


Planting distance

Between the plants: the distance between plants should be decided based on fertility, ranging from 1.0 m to 1.5 m.
Between the rows: Bibaum® walls are narrower, so you can decrease the distance between the rows by 20 – 30 cm compared to the traditional spindel cultivation, increasing the wall area per hectare.

Support structure

The two Mazzoni Bibaum® leaders require a suitable support structure:
The first wire should be positioned at 1.00m/1.20m from the soil to ensure correct distancing of the two leaders with a narrow angle to prevent breakage of the leader.
Angle: adopt a narrow angle < 50° between the two leaders to prevent inner regrowth.
Wires: from the first wire onwards keep the two leaders parallel (vertical) and equidistant from each other, with a distance between the wires of 0.50 m.

Mazzoni Bibaum® is a registered brand.
The double leader production technique in the nursery is patent protected.


Mazzoni Bibaum® has met with great success all over Europe. The production area that uses the Bibaum® system is growing all the time and Bibaum® is now present in many countries from North to South Europe.

Some of our main markets are:
Italy ▪ Spain ▪ France ▪ England ▪ Slovenia ▪ Serbia ▪ Slovakia ▪ Morocco ▪ Greece ▪ Croatia ▪ Belgium ▪ Holland ▪ Germany ▪ Austria ▪ Poland.

This vast production network allows us to broaden our experience and collect production and cultivation data from very different climatic areas, covering various types of apple, pear and cherry trees.

For more information:

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    © 2013 - 2025 Mazzoni S.p.A.
    Sede Legale: Via Ugo Bassi, 7 - 44015 Portomaggiore (FE)
    P.I. 00053600383 - Reg. Impr. FE N. 00053600383 - Cap. Soc. Euro 1.800.000 i.v.
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