
Manufacturing partner

Producing fruit for today’s market requires passion, professionalism and the right technical means. VIVAI MAZZONI implements all its forty-year experience to produce strawberry plants, fruit plants, rootstocks, and asparagus crowns that are suitable for every climate and feature suitable characteristics to meet the requirements of the most advanced production methods.

Productivity, cost containment, plant health and fruit quality, respect for the environment: these are the values that inspire our quest for innovative solutions on a daily basis.

The value of the territory

VIVAI MAZZONI has selected the best environments to exalt the quality of its products, and so boasts 4 production sites in different areas:

  • FERRARA COAST for the production of cold stored strawberry plants, tips and waiting-bed plants, pear trees, rootstocks, asparagus plants.
  • TRESIGALLO (FERRARA) for the production of plants in pots, trays and mini-trays.
  • VERONA for the production of cold stored strawberry plants and apple trees.
  • POLAND for the production of fresh plants.

Cutting-edge technology

The quality and health of our plants are guaranteed by the continuous production controls undertaken by our highly specialised technical staff.

Production is carried out in accordance with the Italian genetic-sanitary certification standards, implemented by the Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) that guarantees the provision of healthy plants to producers from a phytosanitary point of view that also possess the required varietal genetic characteristics. The production process for certified plants is officially checked by public and private institutions.


Lists of varieties – the new offerings of CIV

On Friday 19 September 2014, there was an open day in the orchards of Vivai Mazzoni (CIV members) to inaugurate the yearly conference on the orientation of apple and pear variety lists.

Mazzoni Bibaum®

Protagonist in Germany during the 33rd technical day on apple growing

La Società Agricola Vivai Mazzoni S.S. è beneficiaria di alcuni contributi per progetti approvati
a valere sul PSR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 - Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni

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